When you think of Cybersecurity, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think about protecting your information online? Do you think about the famous attacks (breaches) where your data was compromised? In Cybersecurity, we play in teams and it’s important to know which team you’re playing on and become familiar with all of the roles and responsibilities that come along with it otherwise you may lose score of who’s winning!
If you’re part of the Red Team, you’re the one attacking computer systems and trying to use your resources to gain unauthorized access to computer systems – these are the individuals that we normally refer to as attackers. On the other side of the coin, if you’re part of the Blue Team your responsibility is to defend computer systems from attacks – these are the individuals that we normally refer to as defenders.
In a perfect world, both of these teams collaborate to form a Purple Team and computer systems are more secure as a result of both teams’ efforts. Refer to the infographic above for more information on the differences between the teams and their goals so you can be more educated on which team you want to play on.